Zibby Media / Book
For fans of Brené Brown's Daring Greatly, Glennon Doyle's Untamed, and Elizabeth Gilbert's Big Magic, this illuminating self-help tool is the perfect book for anyone who yearns to rekindle their own voice.
What is wonder?
Wonder is curiosity and awe put together. We are born with our wonder intact. Why? What? How? Wow! Look at that rainbow! What makes a rainbow? Wonder is what we need to survive and thrive, not just as individuals but also as a civilization. It's what's lauded and honored by our society in young children. Until it isn't.
The Wild Why calls for an illuminating end to this endemic crisis of self, and a return to what we know at birth and need to reclaim. This is a book of teaching, and teaching-spirited stories, all centered on how to find our true self-expression and the wonder that spawns it.
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