Zibby Books Submissions Guidelines

Thank you for your interest in becoming a Zibby Books author!

We primarily publish fiction and memoir and are open to work by both debut and established authors. We are looking for books that make you feel, that have a strong voice, deep characters, and a strong sense of place. Check out our latest titles here.

Currently, we are not looking for science fiction/fantasy, poetry, historical fiction, historical biography, romance, self-help/parenting, political, or children's books.

In your pitch, please include:

  • A brief synopsis of your work (describe what the book is about and include comparable titles)
  • Author bio
  • The full manuscript

Agents, please contact kathleen.harris@zibbybooks.com and gabriela.capasso@zibbymedia.com.

Please email unagented submissions to submissions@zibbybooks.com

We value each and every one of our submissions, however, due to the volume of submissions we receive, unfortunately we cannot respond to every single one. If we are interested in pursuing a submission, we will reach out to the email provided in the form. Thank you for your understanding.