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First Look: Better Than Fiction by Alexa Martin

Monday, October 24, 2022

This excerpt is part of our First Look column where you’ll find exclusive sneak peeks into upcoming books across all genres!

Romantic comedy superstar Alexa Martin returns with a new bookish romance about a young woman who must save her late grandmother’s bookstore. Despite her hesitancy, a bestselling author is determined to show her the magic of books and offer her a second chance at love. Fans of Book Lovers by Emily Henry will swoon over this new novel, out November 8!

Pre-order your copy here and listen to Martin’s episode on Moms Don’t Have Time to Read Books!

For the first time all night, I let my eyes wander to Daisy’s hand to see Grandma’s modest diamond that even years after my grandpa died, never left her finger. It was what she left Daisy in the will. I knew Daisy was getting it. Gran asked me what I wanted, her ring or the pendant necklace that was a gift passed down to her from her mom. Even though Dad was/is trash, I loved the idea of having a family heirloom from my Young family and didn’t think twice about choosing the pendant.

Even though The Book Nook was never my dream, I’m so grateful that she trusted me with this piece of her heart. Whenever I walk into that store, I can feel her around me.

I just wish while we were having that conversation, that she would’ve told me she was leaving me The Book Nook, too. It would’ve been nice to have a heads up before I sat in a room with Dad for the first time in years while the lawyer read off her will. Until the day I die, I will never forget the shade of red that colored my Dad’s fair skin or the way his deep voice turned into that of a schoolgirl as he shrieked. But mostly, I’ll never forget the look of pure hatred and disgust in his green eyes as he gave me one last look before he walked out of the room.

I still don’t really understand his problem. Gran still left him her house, his childhood home—my dream bungalow in Washington Park that he sold for a small fortune—it just wasn’t enough for him. I didn’t think things could get worse with him, but I was wrong. Because ever since that day, he has made my life a living hell trying to get control of the bookstore so he can sell it to the highest bidder.

I can deal with it. I can take pretty much anything he throws at me by now.

I just hate how disappointed Gran would be.

Even though she stopped urging me to call him when I was in college, I know she still harbored hope that one day we would mend our relationship. I think she thought she was being fair, splitting her belongings between the two of us. Not that she had to—it was her stuff for goodness sake! She could’ve given it all away and left us with nothing at all.

That’s what’s so hard for me to comprehend through all of this.

Even though The Book Nook was never my dream, I’m so grateful that she trusted me with this piece of her heart. Whenever I walk into that store, I can feel her around me. Memories of her linger in every nook and cranny of the store, every customer who tells me a story about their time with her is another link to the person I will never stop missing. My dad just wants to sell that.

Money can turn even the best person into monsters and Andrew Young already sucked, so this has brought out an entirely new level of vile.

“Oh sister dearest… We have so much to catch up on. I have a feeling I might be able to teach you a thing or two.”

But in this moment, my sympathy for Daisy, my sister, exceeds all of that.

“Come by whenever you want. Gran would love for us to be in there together.” I don’t have to fake a smile, for the first time since she walked into my apartment—hell… into my life—sincerity drips from my every word. “And if you’re up for it after your concert and want some more Red Rocks in your life, I do yoga there on Sunday mornings. You’re more than welcome to join.”

“I would love that! I’m not big on exercise but this seems like the exception.” Her eyes light up and the guilt I feel from pulling my hand away from earlier starts to fade. Sure we didn’t grow up together, but now we’re adults we have the opportunity to forge a relationship without our Dad.

“Anything at Red Rocks is the exception. You’ll love it.” And shocking the hell out of me, I think I might actually love it too.

“Okay, so now that we have book stores and yoga sorted, I think it’s time to move on to the important things.” Daisy drops her elbows onto the table and leans over, the unmistakable whisper of gossip perking her right up. “I could really use a Denver boyfriend, where can I find one?”

“Even though I’m intrigued with the idea of you having boyfriends in multiple cities and really wish I could help, my dating history is troubled at best.” Much to Gran and the Dirty Birdsdismay. “I wouldn’t even know where to begin to look for you.”

“Oh sister dearest… We have so much to catch up on.” Mischief twinkles in her eyes as she looks at me and winks… WINKS! “I have a feeling I might be able to teach you a thing or two.”

Well fuck.

As if the Dirty Birds meddling in my life wasn’t enough, let’s just pile it on.

Excerpted from BETTER THAN FICTION by Alexa Martin, published by Berkley, an imprint of Penguin Publishing Group, a division of Penguin Random House, LLC. Copyright © 2022